2024 Conservationist of the Year

Chippewa Soil & Water Conservation District announces 2024 Conservationists' of the Year Lyle, Larry, Thomas, and Gage Halvorson of Halvorson Management. Established north of Montevideo in 1871, Halvorson Management is a multi-generational farm, currently managed by 5th and 6th generation farmers. They operate a corn/soybean rotation on 2435 acres. In recent years, they worked closely with the Chippewa SWCD and their conservation partners to install various best management practices, including a 490-foot stream channel stabilization, 2 grassed water and sediment control basins, and 1 farmed water and sediment control basin.

Halvorson Management has 200 acres in various CRP practices and has practiced mulch till, nutrient management, and pest management through the NRCS EQIP program. The SWCD has enjoyed working with Halvorson Management and appreciates the conservation measures they have implemented in their operation.

The Halvorson's joined SWCD staff at the 2024 Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation District's Annual Convention held at the Double Tree Minneapolis-Bloomington South on December 2-4, 2024. The Halvorson's were recognized at a luncheon with conservationist's from other Minnesota SWCDs. They also joined Chippewa SWCD staff and board, Chippewa Land & Resource Environmental Specialist, NRCS staff, Minnesota Senator Andrew Lang and Representative Elect Scott Van Binsbergen at the December Chippewa SWCD Board Meeting. Chippewa SWCD board chair presented Halvorson Management with the Terry Redlin print, "The Conservationist", as a thank you for their conservation work in Chippewa County.