2017 Conservationist
April 5, 2018 By Desirae Jarett
VanRavenswaay named Chippewa County Conservationist of the Year

The Chippewa SWCD presents Carl Van Ravenswaay as Conservationist of the Year for 2017.
Carl, wife Wendy, and their children live near Montevideo. Carl farms a corn-bean rotation with some black beans using conventional tillage on 2,450 acres that he shares in a joint venture with Halvorson Management.
Carl is active in using conservation practices including water and sediment control basins,terraces, waterways, tree plantings, filter strips, CRP,buffers and food plots. Carl also custom feeds hogs,completes annual soil testing, and utilizes covercrops, knife injected manure spreading, and integrated pest management.
In 2017, he worked with the Soil and Water Conservation District, the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and the landowners to install a series of conservation practices. Carl utilized the SWCD’s State Cost Share program and NRCS’ Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) to install two narrow grass back terraces totaling 2,035 feet and two water and sediment control basins.
Through the SWCD’s Disaster Recovery Assistance Program (DRAP) a 300 foot water and sediment control basin was also installed. Carl worked with NRCS and through CRP he helped to install 2,337 feet of grass waterway adjacent to the Chippewa River. He also seeded down a grass filter strip. In 2013, 2014, and 2015 Carl completed 1,303 acres of both Nutrient and Pest Management through EQIP and the National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI).
Carl played a key role in the processes of installing these projects. He was very patient and understanding throughout the process. He coordinated contract paperwork, estimates and bids between the landowners, the contractors, and the SWCD and NRCS office. He took it upon himself to do some of the legwork and helped with some of the steps to complete them.
The SWCD and NRCS appreciates the work that Carl puts into not only his land but his rented land as well.